
Reporting plays an important role in your facility’s operations. With CarePoint®‘s pharmacy management software, you can enjoy our convenient and easy-to-use reporting system that improves efficiency and help keep your pharmacy organized.


  • Drug Information Reports
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Third-Party Reports
  • Patient Reports
  • Doctor Reports
  • End-of-Day Reports
  • Inventory Reports

Drug Information

  • Product Report
  • Active Product Listing
  • Drug Price Assignment

Doctor Reports

  • Physician Orders
  • Prescriber Reports
  • Prescriber List Reports

Patient Reports

  • Patient Charts
  • Patient Lifestyles/Profile Snapshot
  • Patient List Report
  • Patient Monitoring Report
  • Patient Prescription List Report
  • Patient SOAP Notes Report


  • Third-Party Report
  • Extended Third-Party Summary Report
  • Third-Party Detail
  • Third-Party Detail Extended Report
  • Coverage Override
  • Third-Party Price Assignment
  • Workers’ Comp Report
  • Prior Authorization
  • California Medi-Cal

End of Day

  • Fee for Service Report
  • Refill Reminder
  • Prescription Log
  • Rx Daily Audit
  • Rx Summary Rx Transfer
  • Sched: II
  • Sched: III, IV, V
  • Financial Audit
  • Refill Authorization
  • Controlled Substance Audit
  • Rx Statistics Report
  • Rx Void Report


  • Receipts Log
  • Purchase Order Report
  • Product Activity
  • Transferred Inventory
  • Inventory Adjustments
  • Inventory Report

Finance & Accounting

  • National Invoice
  • AR Statement–Paper
  • AR Transactions
  • AR Trial Balance
  • AR Account List
  • Reconciliation Batch Report
  • Accounts Receivable Aging Report
  • Accounts Receivable Aging Report–Extended
  • AR Invoice
  • AR Rx Summary Report
  • AR Aging
  • Discount Group Assignment
  • Price Table


  • Organization Report
  • HCFA Report
  • MAR Report
  • X-Query Based Report
  • Order Log
  • Denial Tracking
  • HFS 2210 Form


  • Xquery Reports customized for your unique needs
  • Export reports in .txt or .pdf